cv | |
std | |
AboutDialog | Dialog for showing information about the software |
CamThread | This class gets a live picture from a Kinect camera. This class uses the QThread techniques and then some OpenCV stuff on the live picture; we will see.. |
Circuit | Delivers a initialisation for the robot's circuits |
CleanExit | |
CompassWidget | Shows a 3D OpenGl kind of compass |
ConsoleGui | The 'gui' class in the console mode |
DemoThread | Some test code for presenting the robot itself |
Direcs | The main class of the whole robot programm |
DirecsSerial | Class to read data from and write data to the serial port |
espeak_EVENT | |
espeak_VOICE | |
GLWidget | |
Gui | The class for all GUI actions |
Head | Gives access to the robots head |
Heartbeat | This thread sends a heartbeat to the microcontroller. The microccontroller waits for this heartsbeats. It stops/resets the robot, if no heartbeats are received |
Inifile | Handles the access to the global ini-file |
InterfaceAvr | Provides the low level communication between the robots microcontroller and the laptop |
JoyReader | |
JoyReaderAxis | |
JoyReaderButton | |
JoyReaderElement | |
JoyReaderHatSwitch | |
Joystick | This class is for controling the robot with a joystick |
JoystickDialog | Dialog for showing the joystick axes and buttons |
Laser | This class handles all the low level laser stuff for the old laser scanners |
direcs_laser_laser_config_t | |
direcs_param_t | |
laser_device_t | |
laser_settings_t | |
sick_laser_t | |
LaserScene | This specialised version of QGraphicsScene is able to react to mouse events |
LaserThread | Handles all Laser scanners |
Logfile | Handles the access to the global log-file |
Motor | Gives access to the motors of the robot |
NetworkThread | Handles the network access to the robot (e.g. via WLAN) |
ObstacleCheckThread | Checks if there is an obstacle in front the robot |
PlotThread | Gets values from sensors and plots them in (emits them to) the GUI |
QKinect | This class wraps the libfreenect library as a QObject this allows us to use singals and slots to communicate with the class from other Qt GUI elements. This class uses the Singleton pattern so must be accessed via the instance method |
QKinectProcessEvents | This is the process event thread class it needs to be a class so we can use the Qt thread system |
QtGLContext | |
RgbLed | This class controls connected rgbLeds with PWM (brightness) |
RGBWindow | Our main glwindow widget for all drawing elements are put in this file |
SensorThread | Responsible for getting all data from all sensors - except laserscanners |
Servo | This class controls connected servos |
SettingsDialog | The dialog for all the programm settings |
SickS300 | Gives access to a SICK laser scanner S300 Standard (not Professional!) |
SpeakThread | Speaks a text with espeak (Linux only) |
TimerThread | Tbd |